So the next set of photos will be when we move in a week. I cannot wait. I am already thinking of where items should go in their new home.
On the soccer note..Ab won siver. They one their first game 6 to 1. In the first half Ab had a shot on goal, but it unfortunately hit the was so close. Then the second half she was the keeper and kept all balls out...which was easy since none were shot on For their second game they were 1-1 . Ab was once again keeper for the second half, with no goals put in through her. SHe did a nice save...especially since it was raining out and everything was so slippery. They had to do a double shoot out, where it came down to one shot putting the other team in gold place. It was a bit of a bummer since the other team played very dirty. They were constantly tugging at the girls shirt trying to notlet them run off when they had the soccer ball. Then one girl even had the nerve to sit on the ball for a good 3/4 seconds so our team could not take it away from her. Unfortunately the ref was not to good at calling out any of this...but they are only young teenagers as it is...oh well...the girls on our team were quite disappointed though and there was a few tears shed at the end....typical girls:)
well off I go to get a walk in before it rains out AGAIN...I am really hating all this soggy weather!