Friday, March 7, 2008 biggest scare EVER I had to use the 911 number for the first time yesterday...and man do I NEVER want to do that again. John just left for work at 1 yesterday afternoon and Hadley and I were in the basement. She was sitting on the couch with me playing with some toys. She then went over to the play area to get another toy. Next thing I hear is her crying and I see her lying on the floor on her stomach. So up I get to give her the normal kiss better, thinking she just tripped as usual. Well when I get over to her and push her hair from her forehead to kiss her.....panic came over me. All I saw was her her head swelling up in front of me. She was getting a huge hematoma(laymens terms a big blood bubble). I have never seen one form so it totally scared the crap put of me. I grabbed her and ran upstairs to put ice on it. The thing just kept filling up....I thought it was going to burst it got so big. Only thing I could think to do was call 911. There was no way I was driving her in my paniced state. When it comes to head injuries you can not just say oh it will be okay. I had no idea what she did...I never heard her bang on anything, so it was very shocking to see such an injury appear. So on the phone I go...I was told to calm down..ummm yeah right...I came to the conclusion when it is your child and you are by yourself, there is no thing called calm....I give them my info and then say I have to go call my husband...oh no I could not do that...but they can put me on hold....I wonder if they record my call on hold...I had a heck of alot of curse words going on at that she gets back on the line and says that an ambulance is on the way and if anything changes I just need to call 911 again. So once off I call John and tell him Hadley hurt her head and that I called 911...he was on the highway at the next town he said he was coming home...I told him I doubt we would be here by then...yeah right....he beat the ambulance here...I am really glad no one was dying(I am glad we are moving...last year the police could not find our place...on the wrong road..and now this...hopefully response time in town will be a bit quicker) so back to the story.....I swear it was the longest wait ever...but more or less as soon as I was off the phone...Hadley was back to her cheerful self and was "woohooing" after hearing the ambulance was I had them assess her and she was pretty stable( I really did not nedd to call them now that I look back at the situation..but like I said any head injury is something you do not take lightly) and she was playing with their supplies and such. We waived rights to treatment(ie meaning ride to the hospital) we said we would take her( I would hate to use the ambulance when there could be someone else in dire need of it) So we got in the car and went to pick up Ab first, on the way I thought that maybe we should go to the dr's first and see what he thinks about it all. It was a good thing to do. As we sat in the office, I could see the blood being absorbed back in. If the ambulance took us into cheo(which I did not want to do) we would have been there for hours(unecessarily) with 2 thanks. So we wnet home, Had had her nap and then woke up with a huge appetite and all well. Her bump has totally dissappeared by today and she just has bruising...and of course it is a bit sensitive to touch. I swear this child is going to give me a run for my money...she is just as I was..a little always had some sort of accident happening...burns...cuts...etc..

so that was my scare of the year....

onto the weather...we are getting another freaking storm...we are suppose to get another 30-40cm tommorrow.....I am truly hating this snow now! Oh and talking about the all our panic yesterday, John was trying to pull out of the driveway and hit the snow along the side...and what happened to the damn van...he dented the entire corner of the back bumper...with SNOW... this will not be a cheap fix...grrrrrr....someone must think we have a money tree growing in our back yard or feels like we are just constantly shelling it out to everyone:)


Kataroo said...

My heart was pounding reading this, you need to right she is OK first and then go into the story :) I am so glad she is ok, and that you are too. Good job, you handled that really well. She is luck to have such a good mommy.

Stay Funny said...

mee too, I hearth stopped... and then I was happy to see that she was ok. Good thing you have your background...