Friday, November 9, 2007

I am sooooo MAD!!!!!!!!!!!

So my M.P. Mr. Pierre Lemieux set up a few passport clinis with in his riding, with the final one taking place today in Embrun. I thought great! I can get Hadley's passport done easily...yeah that is a joke. First I had to run into the city to get a guarantor, then we had to get Hadley's photo done. It took us to attempts and then on the second attempt at least 30 minutes to try and get a suitable photo. So I got all the necessary stuff done, and only had to go to the community centre in Embrun to get it done. I left early and was there about 9:20, the office opened at 10. Well of course there was a line up beginning out side of the doors. I waited for around 1 hour outside, in the freezing cold, and then another 30-40 mins inside the doors only to have the woman come and tell us she will not take any other applicants today. I am sure Mr. Lemieux will say it was a great success, but not mention how the couple of hundred people were turned away before 11 am. So now I am going to have to go downtown with Hadley and wait in line for a good 2 hours(since they will not allow me to do a child's application electronically, which in turn bumps you to the front of the line at the passport office) and try and keep her content..yeah good luck. I did write a nice little email to Pierre stating my disgust in this all.


Mellisa said...

YIKES!! That sucks. I am glad I didnt go and reminds me ... THANK GAWD I can do mine electronically!!! LOL

Rachel said...

K I'd of been pissed too girlie.... sorry you had to go thru that.. hard enough, but with child in tow.. YUCK!